
We Are Reopening

posted on 26th July 2020

After being closed for nearly five months, I am happy to say that Westcountry SEN is reopening on the 3rd of August for face to face SEN tuition.  Our online tutoring service was (and still is) a huge success. It will remain a permanent feature as many parents have found it easier for their family schedule. For the children who live close to our centres, many will be excited to work face to face with their SEN tutor again.

As much as we are excited to welcome everyone back, it is a complicated process for us to reopen. We have the logistics of getting the schedules ready for September and implementing the governmental guidelines. Here is how we are going to do it over the next week.


Scheduling for September

We need to make sure that we are ready for September as soon as possible. As you know, we have been getting in touch to find out where/how you want your SEN tuition in the September term. We have almost spoken to every parent now. If we have not managed to get hold of you yet, please can you help by getting in touch as soon as possible. Once we have agreed your times and finalised September, you will see your tuition times change from September onwards in your calendar.

Once the September allocations have been completed in the next few days, we can go back and allocate spaces for face to face tuition through August, unless you choose to stay online. With schools still closed we can offer times in August that are convenient for you and your family. We aim to help get your child ready for the September term as much as we can, so we will be as flexible as you need us to be through August.


What to expect in terms of COVID-19 safety measures.

At the time of writing this, the government does not recommend the wearing of masks in educational settings.  I do agree that we cannot work with children properly if they cannot see our facial expressions. Children need to see more than an adult’s eyes to feel supported when they are struggling to learn something. So, our tutors will not be wearing masks during the tuition sessions. However, they will be maintaining a meter distance between themselves and your child. This distance will not hinder the SEN tuition in any way.

However, masks are recommended for brief indoor encounters between adults. Therefore, when you bring your child into the Blandford and Shaftesbury office to drop your child off, if you are coming into the waiting space and want to talk to the SEN tutor, you are recommended to wear a mask. The tutor will wear a mask for that brief conversation. The tutor will remove their masks when moving into the tutoring room with your child.

The above is the current guidance on wearing a mask, and it may be subject to change under future changes in government advice and guidelines.

We have a brand-named hand wash; it is sensitive and gentle to your child’s skin while having some antibacterial properties. It is alcohol-free. This hand wash will be available in the Blandford and Shaftesbury washrooms for you and your child to use. Please support your child to wash their hands before entering our tutoring room.

SEN Tutors will be washing their hands before and after each child and disinfecting our practice room door handles.  We will also be disinfecting the tutoring area between each child.

Please can your child bring their own pens/pencils. Just the pens and pencils they would typically use for school will be fine. We do have paper your child can use, but if you would prefer they use their own paper that the SEN tutor will not touch, do feel free to send them with paper as well.

It is especially important that if any member of your family or circle of visiting friends becomes unwell with coronavirus symptoms, that you let us know and we will tutor your child online for the following three weeks.

Lastly, I just want to assure you that although we are taking measures to protect you, your family and our tutors in this COVID-19 time, we will also do everything we can to help your child feel at ease, safe and free to have tuition that focuses on their learning. For them and all our tutors, it will be a happy reunion. Thank you for continuing to use our SEN tuition service.


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