
How is Westcountry Tuition Different from Westcountry SEN?

posted on 09th May 2021

Westcountry Tuition is only a year old now, but many people wonder how it is different from Westcountry SEN. This short article should help to answer those questions.


Many people have been noticing that Westcountry SEN gained a new sibling at the start of this year, Westcountry Tuition.  This new service creates questions as to what the difference between the two tuition services are and some parents wondering which one would be best for their child.

Westcountry SEN is well known for helping children, young people and adults overcome difficulties that are preventing them from reaching their full potential. We work with mainstream students that may have difficulty in reading, comprehension, spelling, general writing, understanding maths, or other struggles such as low confidence and school-based worries.

Westcountry SEN has been around for many years now. The first student we worked with was 14 years old, he is now 29. In those 15 years, we’ve seen so many students come through our doors. Many of whom were struggling with reading, writing or the whole of academics. We have a good reputation at Westcountry SEN with a 97% GCSE pass rate. Many of our students come to us being told they may not pass. We get the results students needed and set them up with learning skills they can take through to A levels and to university. It’s one of the most rewarding aspects to see the students we help move into A levels and degree courses.

However, very often the students will come back to us a few years later and see if our tutors will tutor them with their chosen A levels or university subjects. Although it is normal for A level and university students to request tuition, especially the students who are reaching for the top subjects, Westcountry SEN’s tutor’s training is in SEN and Dyslexia tuition, very often we would have to turn away students who tried to come back to us like this. I found not being able to help these students in the way they wanted was very difficult and I wished I could help more. As more older students were wanting to return back to the style of tutoring they knew from before, we were having to turn more and more away.

So, after a long-time planning, we opened Westcountry Tuition. A tutoring service that has the same Westcountry SEN values and ethos that has helped hundreds of students, but with a different team of tutors. These tutors’ qualifications and skills ensure they can tutor for all types of entrance exams, Scholarships, GCSE’s/IGCSE’s, A levels and university education.

It is possible for some students to receive tuition from both services. Such as an A level student who needs help to understand how to comprehend the exam papers to get the most marks from a Westcountry SEN tutor, and then Specific subject tuition from a Westcountry tuition tutor.  This combined approach is very common for adults who have been out of learning for several years.

In short, Westcountry Tuition picks up from where Westcountry SEN ends. Learning is always life long, and as I am someone who wants to help every student who is struggling, I’m really proud we have extended our tuition service to A levels and beyond.


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