This lesson introduces what safeguarding and child protection is. From the offset, you will see this course integrates with Westcountry SEN and its policies. However, this lesson (and all lessons after) are suitable for all professionals who work with children, and the standard guidance is the same.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Types of Abuse
This lesson covers all the different types of abuse; the signs and symptoms.
Disclosure and How to Manage Difficult Conversations
This lesson covers what to do if a child tells you they are in danger or there is a safeguarding issue.
Children and The Legal System
This lesson covers the legal definition of a child and the guidelines around child competency.
This lesson covers the legislation that is relevant to safeguarding and child protection.
Neglect and Emotional Issues
This lesson covers the types of neglect and the signs to be aware of.
Physical Abuse
This lesson covers the types of physical abuse, what to look out for and what to do if you suspect physical abuse.
Sexual Exploitation and Child Trafficking
This lesson defines sexual exploitation and child trafficking, supports you to recognise the signs and gives guidance on what to do if you have concerns.
County Lines
This lesson explains what country lines means and covers the signs that a child may be caught in country lines.
Domestic Abuse
This lesson concerns domestic abuse and contains links to professional organisations.
Bullying and Cyber Bullying
This lesson covers the types of bullying a child can experience, including cyberbullying.
This lesson covers radicalisation, what it is and what to do if you suspect a child is being radicalised.
Forced Marriage
This lesson covers all the signs to be aware of regarding a possible forced marriage.
Honour Based Violence
This lesson covers what Honour Based violence is.
Female Genital – Mutilation
This course covers female genital mutilation. It explains what it is and covers the signs and symptoms.
Breast Ironing
This lesson informs you about breast ironing and how to report any concerns.
Specific SEND Advice
This lesson covers why SEND children are more vulnerable.
Working in Schools
This lesson is about working at schools and covers how schools and tutors can work together as well as conflicts.
This lesson explains what whistleblowing is and how you are protected within your job.
Final Assessment
This is the final assessment, to pass this course you will need to score 90% or more.