How Can I Tell if My Child Has Maths Anxiety?

What is maths anxiety? Maths anxiety is where your child gets panicky or frightened at the thought of doing any maths or attempting a maths problem. It’s more than just not liking maths; it is having a strong response to it - the same…

How is Westcountry Tuition…


Does Online Tutoring Really Work?

  If you had asked me 18 months ago if I would entertain the idea of online tuition within…

We Have Moved

We had to wait a very long time for the planning permission to go through, but we finally moved…

Does Spelling Really Matter?

I think all people who work with children who find spelling hard, would struggle to find the…

What is SEN Tuition?

  Cognitive – what happens in our brains. The word cognitive relates to the mental…

We Are Reopening

  Scheduling for September We need to make sure that we are ready for September as…

How can I help my child with…

  1. Talk about the meaning of words Just learning to spell a word by trying to…

What is the Difference Between a…

Teachers lead, Tutors ensure no one is left behind and breakdown barriers to…

My child just gives up all the…

Before the parents are fully ready, the baby can reach down for a chosen toy and get…

What is revision and how does…

Step 1: Taking information in This is to do with attention.…

Should my child use YouTube to…

What is passive and active learning? Passive learning is when…

Is computer science hard?

Like maths, the notation used in programming is strict and unambiguous. Using English…